IPad Apps

rocks and minerals app
Rocks and Minerals
structure of earth app
Structure of earth
simple machines app
Simple Machines
magnets app
adaptations in animals app
Animal Adaptations
adaptations in plants app
Plant Adaptations
diseases app
solar system app
Solar System

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IPad and IPhone Apps

Educational Games for IPad and IPhone. English Grammar and Science Apps for Elementary and Middle School Kids.


Grasshoppers are small flying creatures with antennae, small bodies, and short ovipositors. This species is easily recognized by their unique vocal sounds, similar to a cricket’s.

They have an amazing ability to adapt to their changing weather conditions. This means that if it gets too hot outside, their exoskeleton’s thin waxy coat protection prevents it from dehydrating.

In extremely hot climates however, this coat’s lipids are at risk of melting. The grasshopper controls this by varying the melting point of its coat. He adjusts this according to the hot or cold weather outside.

The grasshopper species is capable of polymorphism, which is an important adaptation. Polymorphism is the process of different versions of the same species existing.

The grasshoppers have strong jaws, which are evolutionary adaptations that allow them to grab and munch on their food. It also means that they can grab tough vegetation without much of a problem

They taste the plants they eat by feelers near their mouth, which are similar in nature to taste buds.

Their most important camouflage is their color. Their green color makes them almost invisible in grass and trees.

They also have strong V shaped back legs. This propels them high into the air when they jump. They can jump 20 times the length of their body, which allows them to get away from predators.

They also have a bad tasting brown liquid they shoot into predators mouths when they are bitten. This most often results in the predator immediately spitting them out.

Although grasshoppers are mainly found in grasslands, they can also adapt to the extreme colds of winter. They do this by winterizing, or a process known as embryonic diapauses.

This especially happens with the newly laid eggs in late summer/early fall. They go into a state called ‘suspended animation’, a type of hibernation that protect them against the colds and keep them alive until the warmer months.